3 Greatest Rules To Build Effective Communication

Product Peas
2 min readNov 9, 2016


  1. Don’t Change My Mind

The consumer is always right! Never hurt their ego — that’s the key for your brand communication to get accepted readily.

The average person can tolerate being told something which he or she knows nothing about. But the average person cannot tolerate being told he or she is wrong. Mind-changing is the road to advertising disaster — Al Ries , Jack Trout

2. Marketer’s Do Not Communicate, They Select

Over communication is the biggest concern people face. Consumers are bombarded with all kinds of information through various channels , all the time. In such times, your consumer doesn’t need an overdose about your product / service / company.

Select the material that has the best chance of getting through your consumer’s mind.

3. Look Inside The Prospect’s Mind

In order to select the right messaging, look inside the prospect or receiver’s mind for perceptions. Concentrate on the perceptions of the prospect rather than reality of the product. As says Rule №1 “The customer is always right”



Product Peas
Product Peas

Written by Product Peas

at Product Peas, we write about product management concepts, case studies, real PM experiences that will help PMs to build and deliver amazing products

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